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User experience teams need to understand how their target users think and feel while interacting with their products. Expand your knowledge through the latest articles, guides, podcast episodes, and more from the leading human insight platform.

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Needs and frustrations discovery

Validate concepts, explore customers’ expectations and frustrations with an experience or activity, and uncover areas for optimization in this user research template.

Needs and frustrations discovery

User experience research teams need to create experiments that will provide the highest-impact user feedback with the greatest efficiency.

UserTesting’s human insight platform empowers research teams with a gallery of pre-built test templates as well as a drag-and-drop test editor to test anything from websites and prototypes to campaigns and competitive brands. Spend less time reinventing the perfect test and more time gaining insights.

Use cases

See modern UX research in action

Need some research inspiration? Check out these ten use cases from world-class organizations.

UserTesting Modern UX research in action guide
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