Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
This statement is made on behalf of the UserTesting group of companies, consisting of UserZoom Technologies, Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively “UserTesting”), pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
UserTesting is a leading software-as-a-service provider in the experience research sector based in the United States with employees and offices worldwide. UserTesting has over 1,000 employees and serves customers globally.
Business Overview
UserTesting was formed by the merger of two leading experience research and insight companies, UserTesting and UserZoom, when UserZoom Technologies, Inc. acquired the entire share capital of UserTesting, Inc. in January 2023. Prior to the merger, both companies had proud histories of customer success and promoting empathic business practices in the insights research market. Post-merger, UserTesting is confident that we will build on those successes whilst maintaining the people-first approach that characterised both companies’ way of doing business.
UserTesting is fundamentally changing the way digital products and experiences are built and delivered by helping organisations get insights from customers–from creation through execution. Our product offering can be used to capture authentic, credible, and highly contextualised customer perspectives from targeted audiences who have opted in to share their thoughts, whether for digital, real-world, or omnichannel experiences. Using machine learning, our products analyse these perspectives and surface key moments of insight rapidly and at scale. This helps organisations to free up time and resources and make better customer experience decisions faster using the power of human insight to drive alignment and action.
Zero-tolerance Approach
At UserTesting, we conduct our business fairly, ethically, and with respect to fundamental human rights. UserTesting has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, either within our own business or our supply chain, and is committed to upholding human rights and acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business dealings and relationships. We expect all of our suppliers to comply with modern slavery legislation.
We encourage our employees to be proactive and carefully evaluate our suppliers. We are committed to working with our suppliers to help them understand the anti-slavery activities they should be undertaking, and are focused on continuous improvement to ensure that best practice is achieved and maintained.
Supply Chain
As a software-as-a-service company, UserTesting’s supply chain is minimal; however, we expect that any supplier we engage shares the views set out in this statement, and has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery.
Our supply chain includes:
- Other SAAS providers;
- Professional services firms;
- IT equipment manufacturers;
- IT service providers;
- Personal Data Subprocessors; and
- Travel and hospitality suppliers.
Given the nature of our business and the geographical location of both our customers and suppliers, we believe that UserTesting is unlikely to be at risk of slavery or trafficking. Nonetheless we operate as a people first company and expect to see the same from those within our supply chain.
Our Policies and Procedures
Our Modern Slavery Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business relationships, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
UserTesting also has a number of other policies and procedures in place to prevent modern slavery from occurring in our business or supply chains, including:
- Treating our employees fairly and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations at all times;
- Code of Business Conduct and Ethics;
- Anti-Corruption Policy;
- Whistleblower and Grievance Policies (which enable employees to raise concerns confidentially);
- Pre-Employment Background Check Policies (which include requirements that necessary checks are performed to ensure that employees have a legal right to work);
- Travel and Business Expenses Policy;
- Employing Relatives Policy; and
- Other policies that protect our personnel from unfair treatment and promote a fair and inclusive workplace.
UserTesting constantly reviews and updates policies to effectively demonstrate our commitment to standing against modern slavery and human trafficking. Our procedures and policies will be continually reviewed throughout the year to ensure we are operating in compliance with the Act and our corporate responsibilities.
We are continuing our review of our entire procurement process and will be introducing specific contractual measures and due diligence to ensure that our obligations under the Act are passed down through our supply chain.
The Statement was approved by the Board of UserZoom Technologies Inc on 21 June 2023 and constitutes UserTesting’s modern slavery statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2022.