Australian consumer perceptions of AI in retail and ecommerce


24% of Australians are willing to provide personal information for deals

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to infiltrate various sectors globally, understanding its reception, perception, and use in different demographics becomes crucial. Our recent Australian report dives deep into the relationship between Aussies and AI, capturing their comprehension levels, trust factors, and everyday interactions with this rapidly advancing technology.

A mere 20% of Australians believe they understand AI "very well," with a further 41% expressing moderate familiarity. The majority associate AI with applications like voice assistants, chatbots, and gaming. In daily life, only 28% actively acknowledge using AI, predominantly through their phones and computers, with a notable number engaging via their TVs. AI's presence in online shopping is perceived in product recommendations and customer support, and while a good majority believe AI enhances the shopping experience, there is still a substantial percentage that remains unsure or unsatisfied.

Trust in AI emerges as a gray area. Only 28% of respondents trust the technology. When it comes to specific tasks, there's a split sentiment; while some are comfortable with AI handling food orders or making reservations, significant reservations persist around the technology's role in driving, finances, and health.

One of the highlights of the report suggests that Australians believe AI can save them, on average, 57 minutes per day. Despite this potential time-saving, a predominant 71% prefer executing everyday tasks themselves. Personalized ads, largely driven by AI, are viewed as intrusive by 63%, and an overwhelming 74% hold concerns about their privacy when engaging with AI-powered platforms, primarily due to data misuse and identity theft fears. Nevertheless, a portion remains willing to exchange personal data for deals and personalized recommendations.

Regarding shopping patterns, especially in light of the upcoming Black Friday/Cyber Monday, there's a mixed bag of responses. Some see the appeal in leveraging AI for deal-hunting, while others remain traditional in their shopping approach, favoring in-store experiences. Finally, searching for items online predominantly happens through search engines, with some also using website filters.

The Australian AI landscape, as revealed in our report, paints a picture of cautious optimism. While there's an appreciation for the conveniences AI offers, a clear underlying thread of skepticism and concern exists. As AI continues to shape and redefine experiences in Australia, its full acceptance hinges on addressing these reservations and aligning more closely with consumer comfort and trust levels.

Here what respondents have to say. 

Infographic summary

Infographic for AI perception in retail and ecommerce in Australia